Taekwondo World Championships, July 2023

What an amazing competition! We are very proud of our crew who took part and are super pleased to say that we’re medal winners! Two golds, one silver, and two bronzes…
Awesome work!
We’re already looking forward to the North Mids Championships, taking place on Sunday 17th September. Join us and let’s get our crew together for this!

Congratulations Students! Club Grading, 3rd July

A huge congratulations to all our students who took part in the Club Grading on Monday 3rd July. A big thank you, as always, to those who helped make the event run smoothly and to all parents who showed support. We achieved 100% pass rate, including eleven A Grades (20%), which is awesome work! The next Club Grading is scheduled for 6th November at the Thrapston Plaza – more details will follow on this, nearer the time or you can look at our grading info page on this website: www.1st-taekwondo/com/grading



Friday Fight Night – Sparring (from 23rd June ’23)

Come along and join us for our new Friday Fight Night, starting on Friday 23rd June, 7pm – 8pm. We’re in the Sports Hall at Brooke Weston Academy (Corby) for this one and looking forward to getting a crew together for some high-energy Friday Night Sparring. Please let us know if you’d like to join us!
View further info about our sessions/classes at www.1st-taekwondo.com
If new to us, and thinking about giving taekwondo a first-time go, you can book a free taster session/first lesson, via our website too.

Congratulations Students! Club Grading, 27th March

Well done to all our students who took part in our Club Grading on Monday 27th March 2023. We achieved 100% pass rate, including eight of our students who were awarded A Grade passes! Our next Club Grading is scheduled for Monday 3rd July at Thrapston Plaza – more details to follow.

Well Done Students! TAGB English Championship 5th March 2023

A big congratulations to all our students who took part in the TAGB English Championship yesterday, 5th March in Coventry. Overall there were 1,250 competitors involved – so a busy venue! We had 9 of our students competing and came away with 8 medals, comprising; 2 golds, 3 silvers, and 3 bronze medals from individual sparring and tag teams! Well done to all who took part – awesome effort! We are now looking forward to competing in the Welsh Championships on 21st May!

Amazing Medal Achievements by our students at the TAGB Midlands Championships, 29th Jan 2023

A big congratulations to all of our students who took part in the TAGB Midlands Championships on 29th January 2023, in Kettering. Overall there were 750 competitors/50+ clubs involved in the comp, and for our club, we had 29 taking part, and came away with 24 medals, comprising; 5 golds, 9 silvers, and 10 bronze medals from individual patterns, individual sparring, and tag teams! – this is an amazing achievement – well done all!

TAGB Midlands Championships, 29th Jan 2023

Sunday 29th January 2023 – TAGB 40th Anniversary Midlands Championships, being held in Kettering!

The Venue – Venue Arena Sports, Thurston Drive, Kettering, NN15 6PD

Doors Open 9am, Start 9.30am

The competition pack is available below to download – students, please let us know if you’re interested in taking part with us.

Midlands 29th January 2023

Well Done Students! TAGB British Championship 27th Nov 2022

Well done to all of our students who took part in the TAGB British Championship in Worcester on Sunday 27th November 2022

It was a fantastic competition and to those who took part, you all did extremely well. We achieved lots of medals and trophies too! Congratulations students –
Be proud of you!

We’re Local Comp Winners!

We were delighted to take part in a local competition over in Stamford on Saturday 22nd October 2022. With 6 of our students competing, we achieved 6 golds and 2 silvers, which is amazing and a big well done to everyone who took part. Next, for competitions, we look ahead to competing in the TAGB British Championship on Sunday 27th Nov 2022.




TAGB British Championship, 27th Nov 2022

Sunday 27th November 2022 – TAGB British Championships.

Venue: University of Worcester Arena, Worcester, WR2 5JN

The competition pack is available below to download – please let us know if you’re interested in taking part with us.

British Championships 2022